Monday, May 15, 2023


Book Review: "Why the Gospel?" by Matthew Bates

For a number of years our community has been searching for and utilizing Biblical theology frameworks for knowing who we are as humans, what God wants of us and to what purpose it all points. Bates' previous work has been helpful material sewn into our community's tapestry of understanding and now with his latest work, "Why the Gospel?" another thread has been woven in that brings additional clarity and telos. You know when you're making up the bed sheets (ok, I'm not the best husband so I admit I do this rarely) or folding the sheets, its always super helpful for the top sheet to find the little embroidered end that says "hey, put me at the head of the bed". It helps you orient the sheet so you aren't putting it on the bed with the head at the foot, or upside down, etc. "Why the Gospel" helps us orient everything. We might still have a few wrinkles to work out as his and others' scholarship trickles through the academy and the pews, but I truly believe this "why" angle on the Gospel will have lasting positive orientation for the church. It was a new way of asking gospel questions, and a helpful guide to get us around typical snags. Some of Bates' earlier books might be seen as more contentious and piercing of long-held paradigms, which in my opinion was necessary and good. This book however has a different feel to it and might just be more comfortable for a wider audience to snuggle up with, read, re-think and appreciate. My analogy is breaking down, it might be time for a nap. I couldn't put this book down until I'd finished it! 


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