Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Book Review: Deep Peace by Todd Hunter

While being an accessible, easy-reading book and often feeling like a journal, Deep Peace still managed to hit on some solid theological underpinnings for finding, receiving and walking the gift of Peace. Overall, it was worth reading and although I'd recommend it for a new believer, a teenager and college small groups, it has some nuggets for all readers. I especially appreciated chapter 7 "an apprentice to Jesus in Peace" -- because it truly is discipleship. Jesus was always walking in peace and He taught us to pick up our cross and follow him. It's counter-cultural and it takes a lot of work. Yes it is as simple as receiving the gift of Peace and so it is not by our own might or works, but that process of us receiving His peace is via the road to calvary, it is cruciform. I would buy this book just for chapter 7 and you should too! My second favorite chapter was 15, "loving the other", which shows us that the way to peace is the way of inclusion.

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