Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Sorrow and Hope. Praise God for the Huber family!

Paul often writes in the epistles of the fondness in his heart and mind towards a congregation. When you take a step away from the words on the page and consider Paul's ministry, where he clearly spends of himself (physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc) for the benefit of, yes the Gospel primarily, but the people to which he ministered, it is quite easy to see the pain he and the churches would experience as they parted ways. But that was Paul's post-Light life...transient in ministry. As we look at this, we could say "why would you put yourself through such Sorrow, again and again?" But if you are a Christian, then we know the reason for the sorrow...because through the sorrow is how we experience love, and the pangs of ministry are worth it when even one lost soul finds Hope in the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.

Acts 21:5-6

When our days there were ended, we departed and went on our journey, and they all, with wives and children, accompanied us until we were outside the city. And kneeling down on the beach, we prayed and said farewell to one another. Then we went on board the ship, and they returned home.

Today, we said farewell to the Huber family. It has been about a six week process so far of everyone saying goodbye and offering each other parting words every time paths are crossed. I'm certain for the Huber family it has been an emotional roller-coaster, with nearly every Sunday there being some type of farewell tribute. But reality is, a party or event could be held every week for months and it wouldn't suffice. Sometimes, I think the best way to say "thanks" and at the same time to say "goodbye" is to feel and express the Sorrow of the impending distance, and yet to reflect on the Hope born through the preceding closeness.

The Hubers were like family. I spent many weekends crashing at their home, sleeping in the boys room, playing Lego's, running around with Lucas, eating many many many meals with them. For the fall of 2010 I even lived with them for 3 months...it's nice when you have dish duty assigned to you, totally makes you feel like part of the clan and not just a visitor. When God started working in my heart regarding Tashi, Chad was one of the first people to talk to me about it, and his wisdom and advice was of the Spirit. He served us graciously the week of our wedding and was one of the many reasons why we were able to pull the whole thing off. In the last nine months, I have gone through a lot of newly-married learning curves, complete with frustrations that when kept inside, fester and give the Devil a card to play. Several times Chad's genuine "how ya doin?" inquisition would lead to a time of sharing heart-to-heart. His listening ear, tender response and wise advice helped me through some of our hardest marital moments. I cannot thank the Hubers enough, but that's ok. They have sown seeds of Hope, and in that, I rejoice.

 Ellie so sweetly sat in her seat, ready to go and saying "I'm reading a book"
Lucas, aka "Lou-bee" was excited to be "going on an airplane"
 The Huber kids (minus Paul) all loaded in and ready to go...as always, their attitudes were incredible despite the reality that they had a grueling three hour drive in super cramped seats (16 bags...)
 Lawrence (Big Fish) and Chad, two brothers who shared life and work together in love and esteem
 Passing of the torch from missionary to missionary. Chad and Pam leave Ben and Krista Beukema with not only hugs, but a firm foundation and lots of prayers.
 Love ya brother!
 We all stood in the garage of the Huber home and bid them farewell, as they have done for thousands of people over the last four years. We wave "I Love You's" until the bus is no longer visible


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