Saturday, October 30, 2010


Birthday Party!

The last friday of each month is exciting for everyone! The teachers get paid and the kids get a birthday party, which means cake and ice cream (and no school after lunch!). All the staff and students with a birthday in that month get a seat at the special table, birthday hats and get to go through the cake and ice cream line first! It always a lot of fun and a great way to start the weekend :)
The special "birthday" table
Kimmarley turned 19 this month!
Birthday girls!

Anesa and Antoinette smiling sweetly :)
 The cake!
Anesa kept asking me if she could be the pig. I was confused but then realized she wanted
to lick the cake pan. In the picture she is signing "pig" with the "P" handshape under her chin  :)
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