Thursday, March 13, 2025


Book Review: Beyond Salvation Wars by Matthew Bates

Do you ever see arguments online or in real life and think to yourself "these people are just talking past each other and missing the point"? Do you see that happen with different denominations arguing about how various systematic theologies "work"? Do you see it happen with main branches of the church, say protestants and catholics, disagreeing about "how to be saved"? If you've ever felt that tension, and just wished people could listen better to each other, then this book is an excellent guide. By precisely and concisely boiling down the points, and then weighing them directly with scripture and the best modern research, Dr Bates helpfully shows us the actual disagreements and offers better ways of managing the tension. Just like the best research on relationships shows that we must be defined while remaining connected, so too in theological disagreements we can't define ourselves or let others be defined if we are talking past each other. 

Beyond the Salvation Wars is a bold & hopeful attempt to listen better, more carefully, and let the Word

be our guide. I had the opportunity to pre-read this book and would love to share it with others. You can purchase it at all places books are sold, and of course it's on Amazon, you can get it at this link here:

If you want to read it but cost is the prohibiting factor, send me an email and I'll order it for the first 5 people. 

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